
Online Registration


Save a stamp and save some gas! Our Online Registration is quick and easy!

Payment can be made by with the convenience of your credit card in the comfort of your own home! No other form of payment is allowed.

Use a computer
or your phone!



In-person Registration

HTRSA Soccer Complex

1242 Yardville Allentown Rd, Hamilton, NJ  08501

  • January 25th
  • February 8th
  • February 22nd 

Come see the complex, meet some coaches, ask your questions, and sign up for the HTRSA Spring Season.  

Not sure what division your child should be in?  Check out the Divisions page for an age/division table.

Participation Information:

Games are typically played on Saturday with an occasional Friday night or Sunday game mixed in.  Practices are at the discretion of the coaches.  We are an all volunteer organization and we respect that our coaches require flexibility in scheduling practices.  If you are assigned to a team that conflicts with your ability to practice we can occasionally accommodate a change; this is an exception, and not a rule.

Regarding LATE registrations please note:

HTRSA late registrations are accepted on a first come first placed basis. A player is considered a late registrant for the Spring Season if registration is received after March 4th (Division 7 after March 18th) and considered late for the fall season if registration is received after July 31st. If a player’s registration is received after the deadlines they are NOT guaranteed a spot on a team. All late registrations include a $25 late fee per player.

Anyone not placed on a team after the teams are made and considered full are placed on the waiting list (player pool). If one month after the start of the season, a boy is still in the player pool he may apply for a refund on the registration fee without losing his place in the Pool. If a boy is placed after receiving the the refund, he will be required to pay the full registration fee before he can play on a team.

*Registration refund policy: 80% refund up to late registration date, 50% refund from late registration start until season start, no refunds once season starts.